Natural Whole Foods Cooking & Macrobiotic Kitchen

Balanced Eating in the 21st Century

The Macrobiotic Kitchen in Ten Easy Steps



About Gabriele Kushi, BFA, MEA, CHC, AADP

Gabriele Kushi, BFA, MEA, CHC, AADP, the founder of Kushi’s Kitchen, is an internationally known expert in the traditional Eastern medicine rooted approach of using food as medicine a/k/a the Macrobiotic System. She holds a category 4 Macrobiotic certification as a Teacher, Chef and Counselor for all health concerns through the Kushi Institute. Gabriele is also a board certified Holistic Health Coach, a certified yoga teacher & therapist. She offers online Macrobiotic Wellness Programs for individuals, groups, and companies worldwide. 

Contact Gabriele Kushi's Kitchen for a free intro Session.

Gabriele Kushi is the author with co-author Michio Kushi (her late father-in-law) of the book The Macrobiotic Kitchen in Ten Easy Steps (Available worldwide where books are sold. Available English & German by East West Publication).

She is the producer of eleven Macrobiotic Cooking Videos that accompany the book The Macrobiotic Kitchen in Ten Easy Steps and her flagship Online Macrobiotic Wellness Programs.

Gabriele is also the author and photographer of the book Embracing Menopause Naturally (Available worldwide in English, Polish, & on Kindle: Square One Publishers).

Gabriele Kushi is a certified Level 4 Macrobiotic Teacher and Counselor through Kushi Institute, USA.  She also studied all the modern dietary theories and lifestyle methods while studying at Columbia University with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NYC. She has completed a 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training at Devanadi Yoga, Minneapolis, and a 300 hour Yoga Therapy Program with Dr. Indu Arora of YogSadhna

Gabriele has educated people from all over the world and all walks of life on how to become more self-reliant by choosing natural whole foods and sustain conscious lifestyles. She has helped many of her clients to change their lives, worked with serious regenerative illnesses, and is a menopause specialist and author of the book Embracing Menopause Naturally.  Emerged in research, she is well aware of popular diet/food trends, and incorporates sustainable, global and local awareness. She also weaves her indigenous medicine studies to assist her students in creating a personalized “well-rounded roadmap to wellness.” She addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual to find the root cause.

  • Gabriele studied Macrobiotic at the Kushi Institute USA and is a level 4 certified senior Macrobiotic counselor, teacher, chef and cooking teacher, and certified by the Macrobiotic Teachers Association. 
  • Gabriele received the 2009 Aveline Kushi award for her 40+ years of work in macrobiotics. She is the founder of the Aveline Kushi Peace Foundation. 
  • At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in conjunction with Columbia University she studied health coaching and modern and traditional dietary theories and is certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner. 
  • She is a 500-hour certified yoga teacher by Devanadi Yoga Institute, and a 300-hour certified yoga therapist by Dr. Indu Arora of YogSadhna.
  • She holds a BFA summa cum laude degree from the University of Minnesota in Photography and Native American Studies.
  • Gabriele has apprenticed for many decades with Medicine Woman Denise Dearly Brave Heart in the Lakota and Anishinaabe healing ways and Lakota Sundance leaders Martin High Bear and Napoleon Ross (Anishinaabe). Learned from Hopi wisdom keeper Thomas Banyacya  and Oromo/Ethiopian Star Teacher Dabassa Guyo, Puget Sound First Peoples shaman and storyteller Johnny Moses ( - Walking Medicine Robe) and many other indigenous people. She is a Vision Quester, Pipe Carrier, Sun Dancer, and a Moon Dancer, and participates in ceremonies and supports causes of the First People.
  • Gabriele's focus is a sustainable future in the Macrobiotic One Peaceful World tradition and the support of these arts by sound research. Gabriele incorporates a local, global, sustainable, spiritual, and scientific awareness in her work. She traveled globally and throughout the United States for her vision of a natural whole food and a sustainable peaceful world. She volunteers locally, in the US and oversees. In 2010 Gabriele traveled for 3-month with the Non-Profit "Give Us Wings" to Africa to teach macrobiotic nutrition classes in Kenya and Uganda. Locally she volunteered teaching cooking classes and yoga at Gilda Cancer club in Minneapolis, and taught cooking classes through "SLP SEEDS" and Cooking Matters to children.

  • Gabriele Kushi specializes in fresh, healthy, delicious and organic meals that accommodate nutritional needs. Her menus include healthy fats, no sugar nor refined foods. She implements a multitude of whole grains (gluten free upon request), legumes, beans, bean products root and round vegetables, sea vegetables, fermented foods, fruits, mushrooms, seed, and nuts, in a variety of enticing ways. Her seasonings are first grade and she uses organic and traditionally made foods that come from local and sustainable sources and gardens.

Gabriele Kushi also works with her daughter Angelica Kushi. 
All programs are available online and long-distance via Skype/What's Up/Zoom/YouTube/phone and in person. 
Read testimonials.  
Contact us if you like further information or a free session.

Scientific Advisor to Kushi's Kitchen:
Lawrence H. Kushi, ScD, is Director of Scientific Policy, Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente, CA. Internationally recognized for his expertise in nutritional epidemiology, Dr. Kushi’s research interests have focused on the role of food and nutrition in the development and prognosis of breast and other cancers.  He has led several research grants from the National Institutes of Health.  Dr. Kushi is also the second son of Michio and Aveline Kushi, the foremost proponents of macrobiotics and leaders in the development and acceptance of unconventional and lifestyle approaches to cancer.  To see a list of some of his publications in medical journals, please click here.

Contact Gabriele

 Macrobiotic Counseling Sessions

Distance Macrobiotic Program 

The 10 Step Program

Cooking Programs   Private Chef Services

Private Macrobiotic Cooking Classes


 Embracing Menopause Naturally available in Kindle and print.

The Macrobiotic Kitchen in 10 easy Steps (also available in German)



YOUTUBE Macrobiotic videos by Gabriele Kushi 



         Copyright @ 2024 Gabriele Kushi and provides educational services only, and does not provide medical nor nutritional advice, diagnosis nor treatments.  

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