Welcome to Gabriele Kushi's Kitchen
Gabriele Kushi has educated people for 30+ years from all over the world and walks of life on how to become more self-reliant by choosing natural foods and sustain conscious lifestyles. She has helped many of her clients to change their lives, worked with serious regenerative illnesses, and is a menopause specialist. Emerged in research, she is well aware of popular diet/food trends, and incorporates sustainable, global/local awareness. She addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual to find the root cause.
Gabriele Kushi, BFA, MEA, CHC, AADP, the founder of Kushi’s Kitchen, is certified by the Macrobiotic Educators Association, and holds a Level 4 Macrobiotic certification as a Teacher, Chef and Counselor for all health conditions from the Kushi Institute, USA.
Gabriele is also a board certified Health Coach, and studied modern dietary theories and lifestyle coaching at Columbia University in conjunction with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NYC.
She is also a certified 300-hour yoga teacher and a 300-hour yoga therapist, and a ceremonialist.
She provides Distance Wellness Programs for individuals, groups, and companies worldwide.
Gabriele Kushi is the author with co-author Michio Kushi (her late father-in-law) of the book The Macrobiotic Kitchen in Ten Easy Steps (available in English & German: East West Publication). She produced Macrobiotic Cooking Class Videos that accompany the book and her Distance Wellness Programs.
Gabriele Kushi is also the author and photographer of the book Embracing Menopause Naturally (available in English, Polish, & on Kindle: Square One Publishers).
"With Gabriele’s help and guidance, healthy natural and whole foods have become the center of my diet and lifestyle and this way of life has become my new ‘normal’. I look forward to continuing working with her and am grateful to have her as my teacher and counselor." Cindy Lehman, Intuitive/Teacher, MN
“Gabriele Kushi's Distance Macrobiotic Wellness Program was a deep and powerful experience for me both in regards to physical health and in regards to tapping more deeply into my own intuition and understanding of self. I will carry with me for years to come the very practical knowledge of macrobiotics and yoga she imparted. Looking back, having worked with her so closely for such an extended period of time, allowed me to integrate macrobiotics as a holistic lifestyle into my every day living. In this way, she crafted our sessions and coaching to truly meet the needs of my body and soul. I am very grateful for her outstanding counsel!” Sarah H, Montana, USA
"Gabriele Kushi's Kitchen is comparable to the best Macrobiotic schools." Anna M. cooking teacher and personal chef, MA
Enjoy Gabriele's Macrobiotic Vegan Recipes
Gluten-Free Hato Mugi Barley Salad with Lime Vinaigrette
Hato Mugi (a/k/a Job’s Tears or Chinese barley) is a gluten free barley type whole grain. Scientists have identified a compound coixenolide that suppresses cancer cells and another, germanium that has anti-carcinogenic properties. Barley is also known to help with diabetes, by controlling the blood sugar level. Among other things, the rich fiber content helps reduce blood cholesterol, improves colon function and promotes weight loss.
Ingredients for 3 serving
1/2 cup Hato Mugi, 2 cups red radishes, quartered & radish tops or other greens, sliced, ¼-cup chives or sliced scallions, ¼ -tsp. sea salt, Vinaigrette: Sea salt, Pepper, 1-2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, Lime juice to taste (or 2 drops Lime Vitality essential cooking oil (I get mine here)
Preparation: Wash Hato Mugi thoroughly and soak for 6-8 hours or overnight. After soaking rinse and replace water. Bring to a boil add sea salt and simmer till Hato Mugi is soft and texture is to your liking, about 20-30 minutes. Remove and set aside. Meanwhile wash radishes and radish (or other) greens and separate stems from leaves. Slice greens into very thin pieces. Slice radishes. Steam the radishes and greens separately slightly, leave them still crisp. Mix all the vegetables together with the Hato Mugi in a serving bowl. Add the vinaigrette and adjust to your taste. Let the dish marinate for a bit. Serve room temperature. Garnish with fresh chives or parsley.
Learn how to prepare delicious homemade Gomasio, a sesame seed and sea salt mixture.
Condiments enrich the taste and balance the nutrient content of food. Sprinkle sparingly over your dishes, use at the table.Vegan, Gluten Free, Macrobiotic
Contact Gabriele for a free session
Watch Gabriele Kushi's macrobiotic cooking videos on her
YouTube Channel
Since the early 1950th the Natural Foods movement was influenced globally by the Macrobiotic teachings. yin and yang Food & lifestyle teachings.
The Smithsonian Archives provides further information on the influence of Macrobiotics and contribution of Michio and Aveline Kushi to the natural food movement in the USA and the world.
Copyright @ 2024 Gabriele Kushi and http://www.kushiskitchen.com provides educational services only, and does not provide medical nor nutritional advice, diagnosis nor treatments.
Through my affiliate links and book links I might earn a small compensation.
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